
In this WLW podcast, Bill Cunningham and Steve Adams talk about DUIs and how the NTSB (National Transportation Safety Board) is trying to force states to lower the legal drinking limit from .08 to .05.

Steve and Bill also talk about Memorial Day weekend and how police patrols will be looking for impaired drivers. If you are pulled over and accused of drunk driving, remember to choose to refuse the breath test and field sobriety tests.

Click here to listen to the podcast called “All About the Money.”

Say No No to the Po Po and Choose to Refuse This Weekend

The po po will be lurking and preying on innocent and responsible drinkers this weekend… using everything they can to get people pulled over to breathe into the breathalyzer and to do field sobriety tests. You need to know that there is no penalty for refusing the field sobriety tests. However, there is a penalty for refusing the breath test. If you refuse the breath test, it can be appealed and a good attorney can get you driving privileges back under a suspension for refusing the breath test. The po po will not tell you that.

The United States Supreme Court has indicated that police officers can lie and deceive people to get them to confess and produce incriminating evidence. If you are pulled over and accused of a DUI, do not lie to the police officer, just remain silent. Tell them ‘officer, before I say or do anything, I want to talk to a lawyer.’ Give the police officer your drivers license and get out of the car. You must control your fear.

For more information visit the DUI Top Ten Do’s and Dont’s.

Are you or someone you know facing DUI / OVI charges? 

If you are facing DUI charges, you need to speak with an experienced DUI attorney as soon as possible. Please contact us online or call our Cincinnati office directly at 513-929-9333 to schedule your free consultation.

Steven R. Adams
Steven R. Adams was a criminal defense lawyer dedicated to DUI, OVI, and criminal defense in Cincinnati, Ohio.
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