
Plan on spending time with family and friends at holiday parties? If you plan to drink, don’t drive! Law enforcement officers statewide will be participating in the annual “Tie One On for Safety” campaign from now through the end of the year. What this means is that the Ohio State Highway Patrol will be ramping up its efforts to stop alleged DUI/OVI offenders with increased police presence and sobriety checkpoints. DUI task forces will be set up throughout Cincinnati and the state to catch drivers suspected of being under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Drivers who are stopped by law enforcement on suspicion of drunk driving can face DUI/OVI charges and a variety of penalties. Expensive fines, court fees, jail or prison time, and a loss of driving privileges are just some of the punishments that law enforcement is waiting to dole out.

Even the most law-abiding citizens can face DUI charges. This does not mean an individual is a bad person and it certainly does not mean he or she is guilty.You are innocent until proven otherwise, and that’s where The Law Offices of Steven R. Adams, LLC can help.

Visit our previous blog to learn how you can protect your rights this Thanksgiving


Pulled Over by the Po Po? Call Today for a Consultation: (513) 285-9020.

Don’t let a drunk driving arrest ruin your holiday. If you are being accused of DUI/OVI in Ohio, you owe it to yourself to contact a Cincinnati DUI/OVI attorney at The Law Offices of Steven R. Adams, LLC. Click here to fill out an online contact form, or call us today for a free phone consultation.

Why let Steven R. Adams fight for you?

  • More than 25 years of legal experience
  • Deemed an Expert Witness for DUI/OVI cases
  • Certified in the use of all three breath testing machines in OH and KY
  • NHTSA Certified instructor for Standardized Field Sobriety Testing
  • Has won before the Ohio Supreme Court

Experience matters in DUI cases. Attorney Adams’s training provides him with unique insight into DUI/OVI cases, allowing him to more effectively advocate for his clients. In some cases, Attorney Adams may even be able to assist with a reduction or dismissal of charges, and may be able to help you avoid losing your driving privileges.

Pulled over this holiday? Remember:

  • Be polite to the officer, but do not answer any of their questions.
  • Comply with the officer if they ask you to step out of the vehicle; resisting just gives them a solid reason to arrest you.
  • Choose to refuse any field sobriety tests, breath tests, blood tests, or urine tests.
  • Assert your right to a lawyer and call The Law Offices of Steven R. Adams. LLC.

Have You Been Arrested for a DUI/OVI in Cincinnati, OH?

If you are facing DUI charges, you need to speak with an experienced DUI attorney as soon as possible. Please contact us online or call our Cincinnati office directly at 513-929-9333 to schedule your free consultation.

Steven R. Adams
Steven R. Adams was a criminal defense lawyer dedicated to DUI, OVI, and criminal defense in Cincinnati, Ohio.
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