Having a criminal record can really have an impact on your life. Having criminal charges can on your record can follow you around for the rest of your life. A record can affect things such as, profession, housing options, and can damage your reputation. Fortunately, certain things can be expunged off your record to get you a fresh start.
At the Law Offices of Steven R. Adams, we can help you expunge your record in Warren County, in courts such as Mason Municipal Court, Warren County Court, Lebanon Municipal Court, Warren Common Pleas Court or Warren Juvenile Court.
How Does Expungement Work in Ohio?
Each Court has their expungement process, however, the judges will follow Ohio Law Administrative Rules if your record can be expunged. Courts could have their own forms that require certain information from you, and you will have to pay a court fee which is usually around $50.00 to $100.00 depending on if you are trying to expunge a conviction, dismissal or an acquittal. Dismissal or acquittal should not require a court fee. Once filed, there will be a waiting period so the courts can perform their own background checks and set your case for a hearing. This usually takes around six to eight weeks. Then you would have to appear in court and go in front of a Judge. Sometimes your appearance can be waived, and you can have your attorney appear on your behalf. Having an attorney appearing on your behalf is very helpful, especially if you now live out of state. Once the hearing is held, the judge will sign an entry either granting or denying your expungement request. If granted, the court will then notify the appropriate legal jurisdictions (police, FBI etc..) to clear up your record.
Can Crimes of Violence be Expunge?
Not all convictions can be expunged. Crimes of violence convictions are usually not expungable, you will want to consult our attorneys Tad Brittingham and Alex Deardorff for your free case review to see if you are eligible for expungement before you pay any legal fees. Some examples of convictions that are not eligible for expungements are Aggravated Murder, Kidnapping, Arson just to name a few.
What kind of charges can be expunged in Ohio?
Charges that did not result in convictions are usually eligible for expungement in Ohio. That does not mean they will automatically be expunged. The expungement is ultimately up to the Judge on your case, and you should speak with an attorney before filing on your own. Misdemeanors convictions that are non-violent and non-traffic can be expunged. Certain level felony convictions are eligible for expungement, however, there are restrictions. There are also waiting periods before you can file with the courts.
For more information and to have your questions answered concerning your expungement in Warren County, contact The Law Offices of Steven R. Adams, LLC. call (513) 929-9333 today to get the answers you need in your free case evaluation.