A credit card includes, but is not limited to, a card, code, device, or other means of access to a customer’s account for the purpose of obtaining money, property, labor, or services on credit, or for initiating an electronic fund transfer at a point-of-sale terminal, an automated teller machine, a cash dispensing machine, or a county procurement card.
Types of credit card misuse could be:
Procure the issuance of a credit card through deception that was relied upon by the issuer, knowingly buy a credit card from or selling a credit card to someone other than the card issuer, as an officer, employee, or appointee of a political subdivision or public servant knowingly misuse a political subdivision’s credit card account or receive, possess, control, or dispose of a credit card with purpose to violate.
With purpose to defraud, take control of a credit card as security for a debt, with purpose to defraud, obtain property or services with a credit card, with knowledge or reasonable cause to believe that the card is expired or revoked, or that it was obtained, retained, or being used illegally.
With purpose to defraud, represent or cause false representations to be made to a credit card issuer that property or services were furnished knowing that the representations were false.
Some important things to know are:
When committed against a disabled adult, penalties generally increase. A disabled adult is a person who is 18 years old or older and has some impairment of body or mind that makes the person unable to work at any substantially remunerative employment that the person otherwise would be able to perform and that will continue for a period of at least 12 months, or who has been certified as permanently and totally disabled.
When committed against an elderly, penalties generally increase. An elderly person is a person who is over 65 years old.
Defraud is to knowingly obtain, by deception, some benefit for oneself or another, or to knowingly cause, by deception, some detriment to another.
Deception is knowingly deceiving another or causing another to be deceived with false or misleading representations, by withholding information or preventing them from discovering information, or in any other way that perpetuates a false impression.
The potential sentencing and fines for misuse of credit cards can vary greatly depending on the type of offense you are charged with. Contact the Law Offices of Steven R. Adams to provide you with a variety of defenses that can be used to defend you against your charges.
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