As a former prosecuting attorney, Steven Adams has the ability to see both sides of an OVI, DUI, or other criminal case in Ohio or Kentucky—including what it takes to get an acquittal. Learn more about the challenges, evidence, and legal factors involved in your criminal defense.
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If I lie to my insurance, have I committed insurance fraud?Lying to your insurance company is never a good idea, but it only amounts to fraud if you lied with the intent to defraud the insurance company.
The Importance of Effective Presentation of Your Case by the Right Criminal Defense AttorneyDoes your defense attorney have the people skills necessary to win your case? Discover why you need a likable lawyer if you are accused of a crime in Ohio.
Indirect Consequences of Drug Crime Convictions in OhioA criminal record can make it difficult or impossible to live your life after conviction. Discover how an Ohio drug crimes attorney can help.
What Happens If an Ohio Driver Gets an Out-of-State OVI?If you are an Ohioan who was arrested for DUI in Kentucky, it is vital that you learn which state laws will be used in your criminal defense case.
Actus Reus vs. Mens ReaTwo key ideas in criminal law—actus reus and mens rea—are essential for proving criminal responsibility.
Penalties for Shoplifting and Theft in OhioShoplifting and theft are both serious crimes under Ohio law. Discover potential penalties and how to build a strong defense against these charges.
Accused of Drunk Driving? Here Are the First 3 Things You Should DoHave you been charged with drunk driving? Read these three things or call Not Guilty Adams now!
The Top 10 Do's and Don'ts of an Ohio DUI ChargeDon't admit to drinking and don't agree to sobriety tests. Contact a Cincinnati DUI attorney immediately to learn how to protect your rights.
What to Do If Your Child Is Arrested for Drunk Driving in OhioAn Ohio underage OVI attorney explains the steps parents should take immediately if their child was arrested and charged with drunk driving.
Beating the Traffic in Drug TraffickingLearn more about Drug trafficking in Ohio and the different situations that can potentially arise